General terms and conditions of sale Official website of Ty Pals House.

Contact details:
493 Mas Tomasi
Pals 17256
Email : [email protected]
Director of publication: Christelle Launay

Hosted by :
OVH, 2 rue Kellermann 59100 Roubaix - France
Tel: + 33 (0)820 32 03 63

Hypertext links
With prior and express authorisation, Ty Pals allows hypertext links to be set up to its site for all websites, excluding those containing information of a controversial, pornographic or xenophobic nature or which may, to a greater extent, offend the sensibilities of a large number of people. Ty Pals cannot be held responsible for the content of any hypertext links present on this site and directing users to other websites.

Data protection
The site complies fully with the rules issued by the CNIL (Commission Nationale de l'Informatique et des Libertés).our servers are not configured to collect personal information on visitors to the site apart from the following technical data: origin of connections (access provider), IP address, type and version of browser used. The sole purpose of traffic data is to enable us to analyse the number of visits to our information pages in order to improve their content.
Data relating to visitor browsing is not used to identify individual visitors. It consists of aggregated statistics enabling us to identify the most and least popular pages, preferred paths, activity levels by day of the week and by time of day, the main client or server errors, etc.
The personal data collected on the site results from the voluntary communication of an e-mail address when an electronic message is sent. E-mail addresses collected in this way are only used to send the information requested. The electronic addresses collected will not be transferred to third parties.
In accordance with Articles 39 and 40 of the French Data Protection Act 78-17 of 6 January 1978, you have the right to access and rectify your personal data. To exercise this right, please send a letter to: Christelle Launay, 493 Mas Tomasi, Pals 17256.

In the interests of transparency, Ty Pals would like to inform you of its policy on confidentiality and the use of cookies. Some of our cookies ensure that our website functions properly and facilitate your browsing. In particular, these cookies enable us to monitor the use and performance of our site and to improve its operation (for example, pages most frequently consulted, searches made by users in the search engine, etc.). The data collected is anonymous and does not allow you to be identified. We strongly advise you to keep them active. To find out more about cookies:

Copyright, rights to texts, photos, videos and drawings

This site constitutes a work of which Ty Pals is the author within the meaning of Articles L. 111.1 et seq. of the French Intellectual Property Code.the photographs, texts, logos, pictograms and all other works incorporated into the site are the property of Ty Pals or of third parties who have authorised Ty Pals to use them.
Reproductions, transmissions, modifications and re-use, on paper or electronically, of the said site and the works reproduced therein are authorised only for personal and private use in accordance with the provisions of article L 122-5 of the Intellectual Property Code.

Distribution free of charge
Respect for the integrity of the documents reproduced: no modification or alteration of any kind Clear indication of the source and author of the site and/or these multimedia works in the form "this document comes from the site". Under no circumstances may these reproductions prejudice the rights of third parties. Reproduction, transmission, modification or re-use of all or part of the site for advertising, commercial or information purposes is strictly prohibited.
Any person not complying with the applicable legal provisions is guilty of the offence of counterfeiting and is liable to the criminal penalties provided for by law.

General warning
We make every effort to provide visitors to this website with reliable and verified information. However, despite all the care taken, the site may contain inaccuracies, out-of-date information or errors. We would be grateful if users of the site could inform us of any omissions, errors or corrections by e-mail: [email protected]

Pets are not allowed.
A 30% deposit is required at the time of booking.
The rest of the payment must be made 30 days before arrival.
A security deposit of 800 euros is required on the day of arrival.
The deposit will be returned 8 days after departure.
Payment can be made by bank transfer or via STRIPE.
The customer must respect the peaceful nature of the premises and undertake to return the house in good condition.
The customer may not stay in the company of a domestic animal. In the event of non-compliance with this clause by the customer, the owner may refuse the animals.
Under no circumstances may this refusal be considered as a modification or breach of contract on the owner's initiative, so that in the event of the customer's departure, no reimbursement may be considered.

In the event of cancellation less than 30 days before arrival, the deposit will not be refunded. In the event of a shortened stay, you will be charged the full amount corresponding to the duration of your original booking. Prices are based on a maximum of 10 people.